New Product Strategy & Opportunity Analysis Bootcamp April 2-3, 2024

BRI News
Innovation Management
Growth Forge

Come join us for a two-day workshop that promises to be intense enough to warrant using the term 'bootcamp'. If you are responsible for developing new product or new business strategies, this workshop is for you. You will learn the concepts and tools that will help you frame a new product or business opportunity as a testable hypothesis that can be modeled and evaluated in both qualitative and quantitative ways. You will learn the tools and best practices to develop your strategy quickly, clearly, and comprehensively, to understand the potential value and key risks that stakeholders care about, and to plan for quickly and cost effectively how to reduce the key risks and uncertainties.

Find more details and Sign-Up Here.

New Business Growth & Innovation are Hard.
We Can Help!
Connect with us today. We're happy to spend some time with you to understand your needs and explore how we can help.